Recipes for making peasant soup with millet and cabbage. Peasant soup: recipe Beets stewed in milk sauce

Vegetable soup like in kindergarten, technological map No. 12.

Technology for preparing vegetable soup as in kindergarten.

Grate the peeled carrots and cut the onions into small cubes.
Don't chop the tomato too large either.
Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes.
Cut the cabbage into squares with a side of about 1.5-2 centimeters.
I took frozen peas, fresh. If you want, then take canned.

When making my soup, I used a mixture of half and half water and chicken broth.

Put a pan of water on the fire, let it boil and add the cabbage and potatoes.
Cook for about 10-15 minutes. If the cabbage is fresh, then 10 minutes, and if it’s a bit harsh winter cabbage, then at least 15 (check readiness and adjust the time).

While the vegetables are cooking, you need to sauté the onions and carrots.

If you fundamentally do not give your child anything related to heat, or the child is prescribed a diet, then this step can be skipped. That is, add vegetables to the pan without sautéing.

Do not forget that sautéing in this case will be gentle, and the vegetables will be stewed in oil rather than fried at all.
Add butter to the pan, melt it and add carrots and onions.
Sauté the vegetables for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, over low heat.

Add sauté and tomato pieces to the soup.
Cook everything together for another 8-10 minutes.

The final touch is adding peas. Salt everything to taste and desire.
Cook for another 5 minutes.

Turn off the heat and let the soup sit for 5 minutes.

They offer to serve vegetable soup as in kindergarten with sour cream, but this is optional. For my youngest son, I crushed the soup with an immersion blender and fried white bread croutons with garlic - he agrees to eat this soup.
Please remember that the 7 servings listed are small portions for small children. In reality, there is enough soup for a dad, mom and two kids.
Bon appetit to your whole family!

Soup “Peasant” got its name for a reason. It has long been prepared from inexpensive products - cereals and vegetables. The first made it filling and the vegetables varied. For cooking they took onions, carrots, cabbage, potatoes - everything that grew in the garden of a poor person. Of course, there was no meat there. It came later. Peasant soup with cereals and chicken is prepared very simply and, most importantly, quickly. This dish is not only inexpensive, but also healthy and rich in vitamins. After all, for it, foods are not fried, but boiled in water or broth, saturating the liquid with nutrients.


  • Chicken leg – 1 pc.;
  • Potato tubers – 400 g;
  • Millet – 60 g;
  • Fresh parsley and green onions - a bunch;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Cold water – 2.5 l.

How to cook “Peasant” soup with cereals in meat broth (like in kindergarten)

Rinse the chicken leg and place it in the pan. Fill with water and bring to a boil. Now, if desired, you can add spices. For example, black or allspice peas, bay leaves. Simmer over low heat for about half an hour with the lid half closed. Then remove the meat and strain the broth through a sieve. If you used spices, leave them in the sieve. Pour the broth into a clean saucepan and put it back on low heat.

Peel and rinse the potatoes. Cut it into cubes and add to the broth. After a couple of minutes of boiling, foam will begin to appear, remove it with a slotted spoon.

Sort the millet if necessary. Then rinse the cereal well and throw it into the pan. Stir.

Salt the soup to taste and cook with the lid almost closed. To prevent the soup from running away, the fire should be low and the pan should be 2/3 full.

Meanwhile, the leg has already cooled down. Remove the chicken flesh from the bones and chop finely.

Transfer the meat to the soup and stir. This is done when the millet and potatoes in the soup are already soft and almost ready. If by this time the broth has boiled away significantly, then add hot boiled water to the pan to achieve the desired consistency of the dish.

Rinse the greens thoroughly in a cup of cool water. Place on a paper towel to remove any excess water. After this, finely chop the leaves and throw them into the soup. If you want the greens to remain rich in color and not turn brown, add them to the first dish at a vigorous boil. And a few seconds after that, turn off the heating of the stove.

Warm up the peasant soup with cereal in chicken broth for a couple more minutes and remove from heat. Serve hot.

Cooking tips

  • The same soup can be prepared in a more original way. With smoked chicken. In this case, rinse it well and then simmer for a couple of minutes. Then drain the first broth, and pour fresh boiled water over the smoked pulp. Next, cook the soup as directed in the recipe.
  • A more economical option is to boil the chicken in broth and use it for the second course. And make soup using the broth. But then make it more intense. For example, add white roots - a little celery and parsley root. Strain the finished broth and cook the soup in it.
  • This cooking process is similar to how peasant soup is cooked in kindergarten. That is, you can easily offer this dish to your baby, provided that he is already 1.5 years old (the age is indicated due to the presence of millet in the dish - it is not recommended to include it in the diet of children under 1.5 years old).

Peasant soup is an example of how tasty a simple-to-prepare dish can be. Any of the many recipes for peasant soup necessarily includes several basic ingredients. This is, first of all, meat - traditional beef, pork, or more exotic for us, but well known to our ancestors, lamb. The next required product is cereal. Millet is most often used, but there may be options with pearl barley or other cereals. And, of course, vegetables. Moreover, the main modern vegetable - potatoes - due to its low prevalence, was not used in Russian traditional cuisine until the second half of the 19th century, being replaced by other ingredients.

Let's look at the most interesting and delicious ways to prepare a hearty, healthy and very tasty dish - peasant soup.

The closest to the historical version of peasant soup will be a dish in which potatoes are replaced with turnips

How to cook peasant soup - 15 varieties

This is one of the most classic versions of this soup, which is, in fact, a processing of folk recipes from the century before last, adapted for modern traditional cooking.

For this soup we will need:

  • Half a kilo of beef
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • A quarter of a head of cabbage
  • Half a glass of millet
  • 1 onion
  • Herbs, salt, spices to taste.


Rinse the beef and cook over very low heat for 1.5-2 hours. Next, remove the meat from the broth, strain the broth if necessary, cut the meat into portions and return to the broth. The further cooking process should also take place over low heat. Cut the peeled potatoes into pieces of any shape and place in boiling broth. After 7-10 minutes, millet is poured in, which must first be rinsed well. After the soup boils, add coarsely shredded cabbage and finely chopped onion, as well as spices and salt. When the millet is ready, add the greens to the soup and remove the pan from the stove. You need to let the dish sit for 15-20 minutes.

Beef for broth must be placed in cold water

This soup is easier to digest than the beef broth version. For cooking, it is better to take soup chicken - it will give the broth the necessary taste and color. This version of the soup is also prepared without sautéing, so it can also be considered a classic peasant soup.

You need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Half a soup chicken
  • 5 small potatoes
  • A third of a glass of cereal
  • Greens, pepper and salt to taste.


For the broth, boil the chicken over very low heat for 1.5 hours. Then remove, disassemble, remove the bones, and return the meat to the broth. Add the potatoes, cut into cubes, and when the water boils, add the washed millet. After 15 minutes of cooking over medium heat, add the greens and simmer for five minutes under the lid.

This version of the soup is interesting because it is prepared in a slow cooker. Modern technologies imitate the unique temperature regime of the cooking section of a Russian stove.

This version of the soup is prepared from:

  • Half a glass of pearl barley
  • 2 potato tubers
  • 300 grams of minced meat
  • 2 small carrots.
  • You also need a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt and spices.


Minced meat can be prepared according to your taste. Potatoes are cut into large cubes, carrots are rubbed into strips. Pearl barley is washed 3-4 times in running water. Then the pre-passioned carrots and pearl barley are placed in the multicooker. The ingredients are poured with boiling water and cooked for 20 minutes on the “Soup” program. Then potatoes, salt, spices formed from minced meatballs are added to the soup, and the program is started for another 10-15 minutes.

Another version of peasant soup. The Serbian dish is distinguished by the introduction of a light caramelization process and the addition of grated goat cheese.

Required ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg lamb
  • 2-3 potato tubers
  • Half a cup of millet cereal
  • A quarter of a head of cabbage
  • 1 Onion, 1 medium carrot
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • Greenery.


Cook the broth for an hour. It is better that the lamb is on a small bone. After cooking, separate the meat from the bone and put it back into the pan. While the broth is cooking, cut all the vegetables into small cubes and quickly fry over high heat. Pour millet into the broth, wait until it boils and add vegetables, salt and pepper to the soup. After 15 minutes, add finely grated cheese and herbs, and simmer with the lid closed for 2-3 minutes.

The usual Adyghe cheese is perfect

This is a recipe for those who don't eat meat. This soup is quite filling and suitable, among other things, for winter meals, when a person needs extra calories.


  • Potatoes - three pieces
  • Onions, carrots - 2 pieces each
  • Beans - half a can
  • Vegetable oil
  • spoon of flour
  • Salt pepper


Place diced potatoes into boiling water. Chop the onion finely, and chop the carrots coarsely. Pour half of the carrots into the potatoes, sauté the other half with the onions in a frying pan. At the end of sauteing, add a spoonful of flour and stir well. Pour the sauté into the pan. Beans and spices, reduce heat and cook until tender.

The recipe is similar to the classic one, with the exception of meat ingredients.


  • 200 grams of lamb, 300 grams of beef on the bone
  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • A third of a glass of millet
  • A quarter of a head of fresh cabbage


The only difference from the first recipe is the cooking of the broth. The beef is poured with cold water, brought to a boil and cooked over very low heat for an hour. Then the lamb, previously washed and cut into portions, is placed in the same pan, and the broth is simmered for another 40 minutes. Further actions repeat the first recipe in all respects.

This recipe is simple and nutritious. Anyone can make this soup.


  • 3.5 liters of any broth
  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 eggs
  • 8 tablespoons premium flour
  • 4 spoons of sour cream
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


Cut the potatoes into cubes and add them to the boiling broth. Stir the egg, pour 2-3 tablespoons of broth into it and beat. Without ceasing to stir, pour the resulting mixture into the soup. Sauté onions and carrots and add to boiling soup. Beat the second egg into the flour, and, forming small irregularly shaped pieces from the resulting dough, add to the soup. Add salt and spices and simmer for 5 minutes.

This recipe is good for fasting and dieting, or just in hot summer weather.

For this soup you need:

  • 2 potatoes
  • 350 grams cabbage
  • Half a glass of pearl barley or rice
  • One small turnip
  • One carrot
  • Two bulbs
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Parsley root.
  • Passing oil


Cook the pearl barley until half cooked, after rinsing it several times with warm water. After cooking, drain the water, boil 1.5 liters of new water, and add undercooked porridge. Add potatoes and turnips.

Saute the cabbage and remaining vegetables in vegetable oil, then add to the soup. After 15 minutes, add spices and parsley, cover with a lid. Serve with sour cream.

Pearl barley can be left soaked overnight, then it will cook much faster

Another version of lean soup, suitable for people who do not eat meat but eat dairy products. The ingredients of the soup are identical to the classic recipe, but water is used instead of broth, and at the end of cooking the soup is seasoned with sour cream.

A very spicy version of the famous dish will appeal to lovers of smoked meats. This rich soup is good in the winter cold.


  • 250 grams of potatoes
  • 250 grams of carrots
  • 250 grams of green peas
  • 250 grams of lamb
  • 150 grams of smoked ham + the same amount of salami
  • 1 large onion
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • Vegetable oil
  • Parsley, basil for dressing.


Boil the lamb for 40 minutes after boiling. Then we take it out. Cut into pieces and fry with onion, garlic and basil. Pour into the broth, bring to a boil and add the diced vegetables. After 20 minutes, add green peas and simmer for 5 minutes. Add smoked meats cut into slices to the still boiling soup, but already removed from the heat.

This soup is prepared with the same ingredients as the previous recipe. But the vegetables are not sautéed, but boiled together with chicken broth. When the broth is ready, remove the chicken and vegetables. The onions are removed, the carrots are cut into circles, and the chickens are cut into pieces, and again sent into the broth along with finely chopped potatoes. The soup is salted and spices are added. Then a stiff dough is mixed from eggs and flour, grated on a coarse grater, cooked separately from the soup until half cooked, and then added to the soup. After 7-10 minutes the dish is ready.

The main difference between this recipe is the introduction of lard and corn. The original uses fresh corn, but you can also use canned corn - then the soup will cook faster.


  • 300 grams of meat (lamb or pork)
  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • Small head of cabbage
  • Half a can of corn
  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • Sour cream - 2 spoons
  • Salt, spices, herbs to taste.


Add potatoes and cabbage to the cooked broth and cook for 10 minutes. At this time, prepare the sauteed onions and carrots. Add the sauté to the soup, and after another five minutes add the corn. At the end of cooking, add pre-fried tomatoes, cut into small squares, and herbs. After turning off, season the soup with sour cream.

Another option is prepared from the same ingredients, but with certain differences.

We take:

  • ½ chicken
  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 small carrot
  • 3 onions
  • 3 eggs
  • Half a glass of flour


Broth is boiled from the chicken, into which 2 peeled whole onions and 2 peeled whole potatoes are added 20 minutes before readiness. The dough is mixed from flour, eggs and salt, formed into balls and sifted. 2 potatoes are cut into random pieces and added to the broth, from which the onions and whole boiled potatoes are removed. The remaining vegetables are sautéed and added to the soup along with the mash. After this, the dish is cooked over low heat for 10 -15 minutes.

This recipe differs in that rice is used instead of millet or pearl barley.

Ingredients for soup:

  • Soup set - 2 pcs.
  • Rice - 125 gr.
  • Carrots, onions - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream, salt, pepper, herbs to taste.


Rice is added to the boiled salty broth; when it is half cooked, finely chopped onions and carrots are added. After 15-20 minutes, spices and herbs are added, and sour cream is added before serving.

The selection of recipes ends with the original garbure soup, popular in Provence.


  • Broth - 2 liters
  • ½ onion
  • ½ carrot
  • 2 potatoes
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 300 g of white beans and 50 of green beans (canned)
  • Young cabbage is small.
  • Boiled smoked brisket - 200 grams.
  • Garni spice set.


Potatoes are cut into cubes, vegetables and breast meat are also cut into cubes, but smaller. The bacon from the brisket is cut into strips. All this is sautéed with the addition of garlic in the same container in which the soup will then be cooked, and filled with broth. When the soup boils, add beans and finely shredded cabbage. Five minutes before readiness, add herbs and spices.

A tasty and satisfying first course, which is also very quick and easy to prepare, is peasant soup. The recipe is given in the article.

A little about the history of the dish

The history of such a first dish as peasant soup, the recipe for which will be discussed further, originates in hoary antiquity. The peasants, who always had a lot of work, prepared simple and at the same time satisfying food: porridge, cabbage soup, pies, grout. Housewives also often cooked vegetable soups in water (meat broths and broths were considered festive dishes), seasoning them with butter or sour cream for taste. That is why any soup with vegetables in water can be called “peasant”.

It is known that landowners loved this soup very much, but for them it was cooked in chicken broth.


Let's learn how to cook peasant soup. Its recipe is very simple, even an inexperienced cook can handle the preparation.

For the classic version you will need the following ingredients:

  • water - three liters;
  • potatoes - five to six medium-sized tubers;
  • large carrots - one piece;
  • large onion - one piece;
  • cabbage - half a small head;
  • greens (dill, parsley) - to taste;
  • seasonings (salt, ground black pepper) - to taste.

For dressing, butter and sour cream at the rate of one tablespoon per serving. Add to each plate when serving.

As you can see, all products are inexpensive and are sold in every store or market.

Cooking (classic method)

How to prepare peasant soup? Its recipe is very simple. First of all, you need to peel the vegetables and cut the carrots, onions and cabbage into large cubes, and the potatoes into small cubes.

Boil water, salt it to taste. First pour the potatoes into the pan, after ten minutes add the carrots and onions, after another ten minutes add the cabbage. Then cook the soup over low heat for about fifteen to twenty minutes (until all the vegetables are fully cooked). Afterwards, pour the soup into bowls, adding finely chopped herbs and a tablespoon of fresh sour cream (or butter) to each serving; season the soup with ground allspice if desired.

As you can see, on average, such a first course takes thirty-five minutes to prepare and does not require any skill or special knowledge from the housewives.

Recipe options

Above we looked at the simplest recipe for peasant soup, its classic version, so to speak. Now we’ll find out how the housewife can change it in order to please her loved ones with a delicious first course.

Possible preparation options:

  • On broth. This soup will be even tastier and more satisfying if you cook it in chicken, beef or pork broth;
  • With cereal. The dish will be more satisfying if you add cereal during its preparation. A recipe for peasant soup with millet or barley is the most common version of a real peasant dish. In this case, the millet is placed in boiling salted water at the very beginning, cooked until tender (about twenty minutes), only after that vegetables are added to the pan. The pearl barley is cooked separately until cooked (over low heat for one and a half to two hours) and once ready added to the pan while cooking the soup. Peasant soup with cereals (every housewife will like the recipe) can be prepared using rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat or barley groats, even peas and beans. The first course in each version will be delicious;
  • With tomatoes and green peas. If ten minutes before the end of cooking, add slices of fresh tomatoes and canned green peas to the pan at the rate of three or four tomatoes and 3-4 tablespoons of peas per three liters of water, you will get a very tasty peasant soup. The recipe “like in kindergarten,” according to the technological map, involves the use of tomatoes and canned (or fresh) green peas.
  • With sautéed vegetables. In this version, vegetables - onions and carrots - are pre-sautéed in butter or vegetable oil and only then added to the pan.
  • With grout. A very interesting option for preparing a first course. To prepare the grout, shake one egg with two tablespoons of water, pour everything into a bowl, add a glass of flour, mix everything well and mash with a fork or rub it with your hands (real grout is prepared in this “manual” way!). Afterwards, sift the mixture to remove excess flour. Add to the broth at the end of cooking, stirring vigorously, and let simmer for about five minutes. The housewife must remember that flour products swell in water, so it is recommended not to use all the grout; the remainder can be stored in a bag in the freezer.

Third rule: we clarify the sample menu, whether it changes depending on the time of year, whether it is possible to feed the baby separately if he is allergic.

Our children's diet is quite varied. Vegetables, fruits and fruit and vegetable juices are widely used. For allergy sufferers, product replacements are provided.

Before a child enters kindergarten, we recommend that parents bring their diet and diet closer to the conditions of the child care facility and accustom them to unfamiliar dishes. To do this, below we offer especially common dishes from the preschool diet.


Peasant soup with sour cream

Cut carrots, onions, white roots into small cubes, place in a saucepan and simmer with butter until tender. Put washed millet into a boiling vegetable broth or water, and after a few minutes - finely chopped potatoes, cook everything until tender, combine with ready-made stewed vegetables, add sour cream and boil.

Potato soup with green peas

Place potatoes, cut into cubes or slices, into boiling water, cook until half cooked, after 10-15 minutes add diced carrots and onions, stewed with butter, and fresh tomatoes, cut into slices. Add green peas and salt 5-10 minutes before readiness.

Beetroot soup with sour cream

Peeled and washed beets are cut into strips or chopped. Then simmer until cooked, add cooked beets, sautéed roots, salt the soup and bring until cooked.

Vegetarian potato soup with meatballs

Potatoes are cut into cubes or slices, roots and onions are cut into small cubes, parsley and dill are finely chopped. Carrots, parsley and onions are sautéed. Place potatoes in boiling water, bring to a boil, add sautéed vegetables and cook for 15-20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt.

Meatballs are cut into small balls from the prepared minced meat and boiled in broth (or water) for 8-10 minutes.

Vegetable dishes

Carrot casserole

Peeled carrots are cut into thin strips and simmered in water or milk with butter until softened, then semolina is added to the mixture and boiled for 5-10 minutes, salt and sugar are added, and stirred. The prepared mass is placed on a baking sheet greased with oil and baked in the oven until golden brown.

Cabbage casserole

Finely chop the cabbage, simmer with butter, then add semolina and boil for 3-5 minutes. Place the cabbage mass on a greased baking sheet, grease the surface with sour cream (you can sprinkle with breadcrumbs). Bake for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 220 - 240 degrees.

Stewed vegetables

Peeled potatoes and carrots are cut into cubes and simmered separately, green peas are heated. To make the sauce, the flour is sautéed in vegetable oil, diluted with boiled hot milk, boiled for 20 minutes, and salted. Season the steamed vegetables with vegetable oil sauce and cook for another 10 minutes.

Beets stewed in milk sauce

The beets are boiled in their skins, cooled, peeled, cut into medium-sized cubes or strips, placed in a pan, butter is added and heated with stirring for 3-5 minutes. Then add milk sauce, salt to the beets and simmer for another 10-15 minutes with low heat. You can add onions when cooking.

Meat hot dishes

Meat hedgehogs

Meat, stripped of coarse connective tissue, is passed through a meat grinder. The rice is boiled. Minced meat is combined with rice and egg, mixed and shaped into hedgehogs in the form of balls, 2-3 pieces per serving, placed in a bowl, poured with broth and simmered for 10-15 minutes.

Potato zrazy with meat

The beef is boiled, cooled, cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder. The onions are finely chopped, sautéed and combined with meat.

The potatoes are boiled, the broth is drained, and the potatoes are mashed while hot. Hot boiled milk is added to mashed potatoes, cooled to 50 degrees, with continuous beating, and raw eggs are added; The mass is mixed, divided into portions, which are shaped into flat cakes.

The minced meat is placed on a flatbread, its edges are connected and the product is given the shape of a pie. Then place it on a greased baking sheet and bake until done in an oven at a temperature of 200 -230 degrees. Zrazy is served with milk sauce.

Meat soufflé

Boil the meat, stripped of tendons and fat, cool, mince twice, combine with milk sauce, mix well, add egg yolks, melted butter and whipped whites. Place the resulting mass on a greased baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 220-230 degrees.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are lazy

The meat is passed through a meat grinder and poached. Rice cereals are sorted, washed and drained until half cooked. Onions are finely chopped. Sauté and combine with meat and rice. Add salt and stir. White cabbage is cut into thin strips, placed in boiling salted water, and cooked until half cooked. Transfer to a colander and allow the broth to drain. Prepared cabbage is combined with meat. Rice and onions. Stir, add broth, tomatoes and simmer for 30-40 minutes. 5-10 minutes before readiness, add diluted flour sauté. At the end of the stewing, add sour cream and bring the dish to a boil.

Fish dishes

Baby food is prepared from low-fat, low-bone fish - cod, pike perch, pike.

Fish soufflé

Skinless fish fillets are passed through a meat grinder. Bread soaked in milk is mixed with fish mince and passed through a meat grinder again. Then add egg yolks, salt, and mix well. Beat the whites and add them to the resulting mass. Knead again, place on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven.

Boiled fish with omelette

The fish fillet is cut into portions and boiled until tender in salted water. Place the prepared fish on a greased baking sheet, pour in the omelette mixture and bake in the oven until done.

Cottage cheese dishes

Curd soufflé

The cottage cheese is pureed, sugar, semolina, milk, and egg yolk are added. Mix the mass well. The egg whites are beaten and mixed into the prepared curd mass, and then placed on a greased baking sheet and baked at a temperature of 200-230 degrees.

Cheesecakes with carrots

Peeled, chopped carrots are simmered with the addition of butter, then semolina is added and, stirring, boiled. The mass is cooled, mixed with pureed cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and flour. Cheese pancakes are formed from the prepared mass, breaded in flour, lightly fried on both sides until lightly crusted and baked in the oven until cooked.

Natural omelette

Mix the eggs with milk, add salt, beat lightly until foam appears on the surface. The omelette is fried on a greased baking sheet with a thick bottom. Heat the baking sheet well and pour the omelette mixture into it. First, fry the omelette over low heat until a light soft crust forms, then fry in the oven for 8-10 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.