How to get insurance for an accident correctly. Note to motorists. How to get insurance after an accident? Mandatory package of documents

The issue of insurance has been and remains one of the most important for motorists. It is insurance that can help out the driver in the event of an unpleasant situation on the road, including in the event of a traffic accident. If you act wisely from the very beginning, you can easily reduce financial losses to a minimum without violating traffic rules and relevant laws in the Code of the Russian Federation. All you need to protect yourself and your vehicles is insurance. Let's figure out how to get insurance after an accident.

How to get insurance after an accident?

In order to answer the question of how to get insurance after an accident, you need to take a number of mandatory actions immediately after the accident occurs.

The first thing to do is to immediately stop the car and turn on the hazard lights. There is no need to try to move the car in the event of an accident, even if you are stuck in the middle of the driveway. After this, you need to inspect the scene of the incident and call an ambulance for all victims. At the same time, do not forget to inform the police and write down the contact information of all witnesses to the emergency.

If there are no casualties, the situation is somewhat simpler. Then, in order to get an answer on how to get insurance after an accident, you need to independently document the fact of what happened. All documents are filled out at the traffic police department. To obtain insurance, you may also need a copy or original of the contract with your insurance company.

The traffic rules clearly stipulate that if there are no injuries in the event of an emergency and the driver has the necessary insurance, the driver can independently fill out all the necessary statements. In addition to the absence of injuries, to comply with this condition, it is necessary that there are no disputes between drivers, and that the damage does not exceed 50 thousand rubles. This is exactly where compulsory motor vehicle accident insurance pays out. It is very important that all documents are completed correctly.

Preparation of documents in case ofRoad accident

Even if there are disagreements between the parties involved in the accident and paperwork is impossible without traffic police officers, payment of insurance in case of an accident by compulsory motor vehicle insurance is possible. There are cases when it was possible to obtain compensation from the insurance company, even if the property damage caused was more than 50 thousand rubles.

During the preparation of documents, several options for the development of events are possible. The first option is considered if there are victims in the accident, but there are no serious injuries. First, you should call employees to draw up a protocol and diagram of the accident. At this stage, all details of the incident are recorded.

Next, the issue of bringing the guilty parties to administrative criminal liability in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation is resolved. Participants and parties to an emergency situation fill out an accident statement and receive a corresponding certificate.

How is insurance paid in case of an accident?

If there are no victims in the accident and the damage was caused only to property, the answer to the question of how insurance is paid in the event of an accident becomes several times simpler. In this case, the accident is also recorded in a protocol and diagram; all parties involved in the accident fill out the necessary documents and receive a certificate of the accident. Administrative criminal liability is also present if particularly severe damage was caused to property.

In the event that the parties are not subject to administrative liability, this is also recorded in the protocol. If it is not possible to immediately clarify the situation regarding administrative criminal liability, a special investigation is carried out, and the question of how insurance is paid in case of an accident is resolved only based on the results of the investigation.

To ensure timely payment of insurance, it is very important to immediately notify the insurance company about the accident. To do this, after registering an accident, you need to come to the insurance company and provide a copy of the accident notice.

After this, you need to fill out an application for the need for insurance payments. The insurance company specialist also determines the amount of damage caused. The inspection is carried out within a working week after submitting an application for payments. You need to provide the insurance company with a certificate and notification of the accident, documents for the property, and a copy of the protocol with the recorded details of the accident.

After the inspection, the damage will be determined and the issue regarding insurance payments will be resolved. If necessary, you can find an independent professional to assess the damage to your vehicle. This will be an additional help for you in obtaining insurance.

What does any car owner injured in an accident want most?

Receive payment of insurance under MTPL as quickly as possible

So that the insurance payment under compulsory motor liability insurance is enough for repairs, and maybe there is still some left...

What does the insurance company want when a car owner applies for compulsory motor liability insurance?

Independent examination after an accident in St. Petersburg - foto-hyundai

Carry out insurance payments under compulsory motor liability insurance for as long as possible

Pay as little as possible...

As a result of the fact that the desires of the car owner injured in an accident and the insurance company are directly opposite, an irreconcilable war arises, in which today insurance companies mostly win, due to the lack of sufficient knowledge and action algorithm for motorists to receive payment under compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident.

In this article we will analyze in detail each point, the sequence and features of actions to receive insurance payment under compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident.

And so, let's look at each point in detail and give comprehensive comments.

For minor damage - European protocol or call the traffic police.

In law:

On June 1, 2018, changes to the traffic rules came into force, which provide that in an accident with minor damage (if the damage caused to the victim is less than 100,000 rubles), drivers are required to clear the roadway if the movement of other cars is obstructed. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine.

Conditions for registering an accident under the European Protocol:

2 cars were involved in the accident

There were no casualties in the accident, only cars were damaged

Both drivers have valid MTPL policies

Both drivers have no disagreement about the circumstances of the accident and who is at fault for the accident

The estimated damage to the victim is less than 100,000 rubles

To register an accident, you must fill out the accident notification form “correctly”.

In fact:

Most motorists do not know how to “correctly” fill out an accident notification form.

Insurance companies have strict requirements for filling out an accident notification form and use any excuse to refuse payment. I checked the wrong box - refusal, drew the diagram incorrectly - refusal, failed to complete the application within 5 days (for both participants) - refusal, etc.

As a result:

By not filling out the notice “correctly”, you will lose the right to receive insurance payment under MTPL!

In case of significant damage.

In law:

By calling the traffic police officers to the scene of an accident, you will receive a decision as a result. Since 2018, traffic police officers no longer issue a certificate f.154 with a list of damages received by a car in an accident.

In fact:

Traffic police officers often negligently perform their duties, recording damage to the car in the order according to the words of the victim, who does not know the design of the car or, in a state of nervous tension, is not ready to name all the damaged elements of his car.

As a result:

The insurance company, in the process of paying out insurance under compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident, relies on the records of traffic police officers about damage to the car; if some elements were not recorded in the resolution, the insurance company will not pay you for them!

Why is it necessary to conduct an independent examination before visiting the insurance company?

In law:

According to the MTPL policy concluded after 04/28/2017, insurance companies are required to make insurance payments only in its natural form, that is, by repair .

If the insurance company cannot repair the car, then damages are paid caused to the car money including wear and tear .

In fact:

The insurance company inspects your car, calculates the cost of repairs and the amount of damage, taking into account wear and tear. She chooses what is profitable for her and either issues a referral for repairs, or pays in cash, taking into account wear and tear.

At the same time, the insurance company, as a commercial organization, also wants to make money.

If you were given a referral for repairs and you came to the repair shop, the service station employees say that the money received from the insurance company is not used for “normal” repairs. They will ask you to pay extra out of your own pocket. Thus reducing the payment to the insurance company.

If you are paid in cash, they will artificially lower it by 10-50%. You don't know how much you should be paid.

As a result:

In any case, you pay extra for repairs out of your own pocket!!!

You conduct an independent examination after an accident before visiting the insurance company.

In law:

You have the right to conduct an independent examination at any time, both before and after visiting the insurance company.

In fact:

You are the customer of the examination, you pay money, which means that during the examination all your comments will be taken into account, the examination will be carried out at a time convenient for you, and the shortest possible time period specified in the contract will be observed. During the examination, all hidden defects will be taken into account, all parts damaged in an accident, and you will control the quality of the examination upon receipt of the package of documents.

As a result:

You save time, you receive high-quality service, you know how much you should receive as a result of paying insurance under compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident. You can choose a service station to repair your car based on the amount calculated to be paid and conduct a reasoned dialogue with representatives of the insurance company and at the service station regarding the parts being repaired and replaced.

In law:

According to the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Liability Insurance, in order to receive insurance payment under compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident, you need to contact the insurance company, submit a traffic police resolution, and also present your damaged property to the insurer.

In fact:

Most insurance companies have organized single centers for receiving applications for compulsory motor liability insurance and inspecting damaged cars. In these centers you will spend more than one hour, and often almost the whole day, to submit an application for compulsory motor liability insurance and, if your car is running (you drove it), present its damage to the “expert” of the insurance company. Your car will be inspected superficially (what they see), the inspection place is not equipped to identify hidden defects, just say on the street, in the parking lot. And if atmospheric factors (rain, snow, cold, time of day) interfere with the inspection process, then do not expect that the payment of insurance under compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident will be adequate for the repairs.

As a result:

By contacting the insurance company immediately after an accident, you risk paying for a significant portion of the repairs out of your own pocket.

You conducted an independent examination before contacting the insurance company and present your damaged car along with the results of the examination.

In law:

You have the right to apply for payment under compulsory motor liability insurance within three years after the accident, under the European protocol within 5 days after the accident.

You are required to present your property for inspection by the insurance company.

The insurance company is obliged to make a payment or issue a referral for repairs within 20 calendar days.

In fact:

You choose a convenient time to write an application to the insurance company, and attach an independent expert report along with the application.

If your car is running, present its damage to a representative of the insurance company. If you don’t want to sit in line for an inspection, you can cheat (after all, according to traffic regulations, various damages, including damage to lighting devices, prohibit the movement of vehicles), in the application for payment of insurance under compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident, indicate that the car is not running and the insurance company will send its “expert” to the parking lot. The same applies if the car is not running.

As a result:

You contact the insurance company when it is convenient for you, you know how much you should be paid, you save time and nerves. The payment period of 20 calendar days begins from the moment the application is written, and not from the moment your car is inspected by an “expert” of the insurance company, save a week or two.

In law:

The insurance company, after you write an application, is obliged to pay full compensation for damage from the accident within 20 calendar days.

In fact:

You will receive the so-called “indisputable payment”, which is what insurance companies call a small part of the compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident that you are entitled to, which they pay. As soon as they looked at the eyes, they paid. By paying little, insurance companies rely on the inertia and lack of knowledge of motorists. Indeed, according to statistics, only one out of ten motorists, having received an underestimated payment, conducts an independent examination after an accident and writes a claim to the insurance company.

As a result:

You get “some money” and don’t understand whether it’s a lot or a little. Whether you have enough for repairs or not. As a result, you usually end up paying extra for repairs out of your own pocket.

After paying out your MTPL insurance after an accident, you realized that you were paid little and the money received was not enough for repairs

In law:

You have the right to submit a pre-trial claim to the insurance company, justifying it with the results of an independent examination after an accident.

In fact:

Having initially paid little, the insurance company relies on the usual statistics, because 9 out of 10 injured motorists, having received an underestimated payment, do not go anywhere and add on repairs from their own pockets.
If the insurance company does not satisfy the claim, the case will go to court and it will be proven that the insurance company paid less than it should have, a fine of 50% of the amount of the underpayment will be imposed on the insurance company plus a penalty of 1% per day of the amount of the underpayment, which takes into account the length of legal proceedings on average 3-4 months will amount to 100% of the underpayment. Simply put, if the insurance company takes the case to court, it will pay 2.5 times more, which is very unprofitable. For example, the underpayment to the insurance company was 20,000 rubles, the fine will be 10,000 rubles, the penalty will be 20,000 rubles, the insurance company will pay a total of 50,000 plus all legal costs.

Due to large fines, insurance companies pay for pre-trial claims very actively; you only need to write a claim.

As a result:

You wrote a claim and within 10 calendar days you receive the unpaid money.

You wrote a claim, you were paid 100%, they “threw you another bone”, paid you a little extra money, or “reasonably” refused

In law:

The insurance company is obliged to either satisfy the claim or give a reasoned refusal within 10 calendar days.

There are significant fines for failure to meet payment deadlines.

According to the decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court, if the difference between the calculations of various experts is less than 10%, then this difference is within the limits of the average statistical error.

In fact:

In large insurance companies, hundreds of applications for compulsory motor liability insurance and dozens of claims are submitted per day, and the deadlines are so short - 20 days for payment and 5 days for processing the claim. The task of insurance companies is to meet deadlines at all costs, and accordingly, most of the payments and claims are processed carefully and scrupulously, and some of them are processed. Your claim may fall into any part, and accordingly the result may be different. Maybe your claim will be satisfied 100%, or maybe it will be denied for an absolutely ridiculous reason.

In most cases, claims are satisfied, since the initial payment, as a rule, is made for external damage or those damages that were “seen by the insurance company’s expert.”

Some insurance companies act even more cunningly and pay out just enough for a claim so that the difference between the calculation of an independent expert report after an accident and the payment to the insurance company is 9-9.5%; in this case, you formally cannot go to court, since, according to the Plenum’s explanation Supreme Court, this difference is within the average statistical error.

As a result:

You can receive 100% compensation under MTPL by filing a claim.

You may receive an unreasonable refusal with the reference that the independent examination report does not comply with Russian legislation.

You can receive a payout of 90-91% and cannot go to court.

Your claim was refused with reason or you were paid a little, but not all

In law:

In case of a reasoned refusal of a claim or partial underpayment, you have the right to go to court.

If it is proven in court that the insurance company paid less than it should have, the insurance company will be subject to a fine of 50% of the underpayment plus a penalty of 1% per day of the amount of the underpayment from the date of payment or denial of the claim until the court's decision. Penalties cannot be more than 100% of the amount of the underpayment.

In fact:

Most motorists are afraid of the courts and do not believe that they can achieve justice when paying insurance under compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident. What insurance companies really count on.

Experience shows that when you turn to specialized lawyers, you can count on 100% success in court.

Specialized lawyers for insurance payments under compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident will analyze your case and give comprehensive answers on the prospects of winning the case in court. The statement of claim will indicate the amount of underpayment, the amount of fines and penalties due to you by law.

As a result:

As a result of going to court with the help of specialized lawyers, you will receive the missing insurance payment under compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident, receive a 50% fine and penalties, and you will also be compensated for all your legal costs.

In order to obtain MTPL insurance after an accident, you must complete 5 steps: obtain a certificate of accident, form No. 154, a traffic violation protocol; contact the insurance company, attaching copies of the PTS, indicating the account details. Then it is necessary to inspect the car within 5 days after the application to the insurance company. The money must be transferred to you within 20 days. Let's take a closer look at all the announced steps with nuances and details.

No one is guaranteed against getting into an accident. After an accident, taking care of obtaining insurance is a headache for the victim. The culprit signs the traffic police report and forgets about the incident - his liability is ensured by the insurance company. The MTPL system is structured in such a way that an interested party applies for payment. Any driver needs to know how to act correctly in this unpleasant situation. Therefore, we will provide a step-by-step algorithm of actions, starting from the moment of the accident and until the receipt of the insurance payment.

Step 1. Call an inspector and register an accident

At the first moment after an accident, the driver usually acts automatically: he stops the car, turns on the emergency lights, and marks the spot with an emergency stop sign. This is followed by an assessment of the situation. If all participants in the incident, as expected, remain in place, you need to act according to the rules. You need to properly file an accident in order to receive insurance without unnecessary delays and lawsuits.

You need to call the traffic police (002) and wait for the on-duty car to arrive. This can be avoided if no people were injured, only two cars were involved in the accident, and there is no disagreement about its cause. Then the participants, independently, or with the help of a called emergency commissioner, draw up a diagram of the incident. Then you need to go to the nearest branch to receive supporting documents - usually the commissioner arranges this himself. According to the law, participants in an accident can submit their notice with a diagram to the Investigative Committee without the participation of the police. But there are restrictions due to which this should not be done.

According to the law on auto liability insurance, if there are no traffic police documents, the amount of payment is limited to 50 thousand rubles. Only in Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the limit is not limited (total by law 400 thousand rubles). However, as proof, you must provide photos or videos taken using GLONASS or other satellite systems. Throughout Russia, the rule will be in effect from October 1, 2019.

An accident on the road is a source of trouble not only on the day it happened, but also due to the possible consequences. One of these consequences may be a protracted process of paying the insurance amount to the injured party.

Insurance payment after an accident

Since April 28, 2017, amendments to the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance have been in force, providing that compensation to motorists injured in road accidents will be made mainly in the form of repair and restoration work paid to the service center directly by the insurance company. But insurance payments in cash still remain, although they have become smaller.

Read more about changes to the law on compulsory motor liability insurance and new rules for insurance payments.

The fact is that the new compensation procedure applies only to newly concluded insurance contracts, and how effective it is will become clear no earlier than the second half of 2018. For old insurance contracts, the same compensation procedure applies. In addition, by agreement with the insurance company, the monetary form of compensation remained in the new version of the law. Including in cases where there is no qualified car service nearby: no more than 50 km from the victim’s place of residence or the scene of the accident. That is, the innovations in the Law are not very applicable to those who live in the outback. It is not for nothing that the new edition has already been dubbed “the law for cities with a population of one million.”
At the same time, understanding and correct implementation of actions after an accident will help save time and nerves, and receive adequate compensation, especially if the process is delayed by insurers.

Step-by-step procedure for receiving insurance payment

If the accident resulted in no injuries, only two cars were involved, and the parties have no disagreements about what happened, a European Protocol is drawn up, recording the absence of discrepancies between the parties in assessing the situation.
In this case, receiving an insurance payment is practically not connected with the involvement of the traffic police authorities in the process.
If the participants in a road accident disagree, then the participation of representatives of the traffic police in the process is required, and then this has a direct impact on the procedure and speed of processing the insurance payment.

Detailed instructions and algorithm of actions in case of an accident

2. Procedure if it is necessary to obtain documents from the traffic police.

The first action is notification.

It is necessary to notify the traffic police and the insurance company about the accident as quickly as possible. First of all, this concerns representatives of the traffic police; they will subsequently appear in the insurance case. Exchange the following information with the other party involved in the accident:

  1. Insurance policy data (number, series, validity period).
  2. Passport details of the participant in the accident.
  3. Vehicle data.
  4. Special character data (if available).

The second step is preparing documents.

At this stage, obtain a certificate from the traffic police about the traffic accident. When receiving a certificate, primary attention should be paid to the presence in it of a list of visible damages. The more detailed the damage received is described, the easier it will be to subsequently defend the amount of fair compensation.
Sometimes insurance companies require an extended certificate from the traffic police, which indicates additional aspects of the circumstances of the incident, including the physical condition of the driver at the time of the accident (whether the driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs).
In addition to the certificate, the set of documents from the traffic police should include:

  • protocol of administrative violation (copy);
  • resolution or refusal to initiate a case on an administrative violation, provided that they were received from the traffic police.

Check the completeness of the information in the notification of an accident, filled out directly at the scene of the incident. Pay special attention to the completeness of information about the other party to the accident: name and contacts (telephone, fax, e-mail) of his insurance company, details of his insurance policy (series, number, date of issue).

Video: What points need to be taken into account in the event of an accident. OSAGO.

The third action is the official notification of the insured event.

At this stage, the driver must notify the insurance company about the occurrence of an insured event within 5 days from the date of the accident. This can be done by telephone, informing the representative of the insurance company of the available information about what happened and about the second participant in the accident. At the same time, it is important not to forget to write down the details of the manager with whom negotiations were conducted and the number of the insurance case that this specialist is required to open.
The call should be supplemented by sending notification of the accident to the insurance company by fax or email. From a legal point of view, it is even better to do this by registered mail with notification.
Sometimes insurance companies scare clients with sanctions for failure to comply with notification periods about an accident. It is important to remember here that the law does not provide for any sanctions for this, and even more so, this cannot be a basis for refusing insurance payment. If such a refusal follows, it is necessary to go to court: the practice of such cases shows that the applicants win the courts. Another thing is that it is useful to stock up on documents explaining the untimely notification of the insurance company (sick leave, travel certificate, vacation order).

Step four – submitting documents to the insurance company.

If the driver is the culprit of the accident and does not claim insurance compensation, he must submit documents to the insurance company within three days from the moment of the accident, otherwise a recourse claim for damages from the company itself is possible: it will pay the damage to the victim, and will try to recover the amount of damage from the culprit sides.
If the driver is recognized as a victim, he submits to the insurance company, in addition to the certificates, protocol and resolution from the traffic police mentioned above (at the preparation stage), the following documents:

  1. Application for payment of compensation.
  2. Documents for the car in a copy: STS, PTS, OSAGO policy, power of attorney, if the applicant represents the interests of the owner of the car.
  3. Passport (copy).
  4. Confirmation of the call for inspection (copy of telegram, fax, etc.).
  5. Damage assessment report.
  6. Documents confirming the expenses incurred by the applicant after the accident (postage costs, expenses for additional examinations, etc.).

Step five – examination.

Inspecting the car to identify, describe and assess damage (examination) is perhaps the most important in the procedure for paying compensation. The technical expert who conducts the examination often treats the process superficially, does not describe all the damage, and therefore underestimates the cost of compensation. The expert’s reluctance to take into account the comments of the injured party is a reason to turn to the assessment and, guided by their conclusion, defend their rights.

Step six – payment of the insured amount.

The legislation allows no more than 90 days for payment to be made to the insurer. If the applicant submitted all the necessary documents on time, and the payment is unjustifiably delayed or even questioned by the company, the victim in the accident has the right to go to court and has a good chance of receiving not only compensation itself, but also a penalty for the insurance company’s failure to meet payment deadlines.

It is important to know what to do after an accident for the victim in order to receive all the compensation required by law. The legislation is designed in such a way that insurance payment is guaranteed only to the person innocent of the incident.

And the culprit with insurance simply will not have to make payments for the restoration of the victim’s car from his own pocket, since the insurer will cover them.

The procedure to follow in the event of a traffic accident should be as follows:

  • put up an emergency sign;
  • document the circumstances of the incident;
  • if necessary, call the police;
  • remove cars from the roadway;
  • fill out accident notifications in two copies;
  • report the accident to your insurance company;
  • contact the insurer within 5-15 days with a package of documents for compensation of damage, providing your vehicle for inspection.

Documentation should be as complete as possible.

The more points listed below are included in it, the better:

  • photos of cars from all angles(numbers should also be visible on them);
  • photo of braking distance;
  • close-up photo of damage;
  • photograph of the road condition, signs around it, markings on it;
  • eyewitness accounts(don't forget to take their contacts);
  • DVR video(from yours, the car of another participant in an accident or a third road user);
  • video from phone, possibly made by one of the witnesses.

When should you call the police?

In the following cases:

  • You assume that the amount of damage is more than 50,000 rubles;
  • there are casualties (wounded or killed);
  • the other party does not agree to sign the notification of the accident, insisting on its version of events.

If, after documenting, the cars are not removed from the roadway, this will impede the movement of other cars.

And for this a fine is imposed. However, if a dispute arises between you and the other party, it may be advisable to leave everything as it is until the police arrive if their intervention is required.

When filling out the European protocol, you need to cross out all the empty space just in case., in which no information is recorded. This is necessary so that later the other side cannot enter anything else there.

Subsequently, discrepancies in notices may cause claims by the insurance company and become the basis for its delay in payments.

If there is simply a dispute between you and the culprit about the description of the events of the incident, but there are no casualties, then traffic police officers will simply draw up a diagram and issue certificates about it to the participants in the accident (Form 154).

But if there are victims, then three more documents are added during the registration process:

  • protocol;
  • participants' explanations;
  • determination to initiate an administrative case.

In the second case, certificates are issued to all participants in the accident, including victims. It happens that police officers are not able to issue them due to the absence of a participant in the incident. Then, in any case, they must be made by the police within 24 hours and issued later.

Important: do not sign papers unless they actually contain a diagram of the incident and a protocol.

Police representatives can sometimes say that they don’t have time to do this right now, and they will definitely describe everything exactly as it happened at the station. But anyway never sign a blank document. This can lead to problems later.

Visit to the injured insurance company office

To contact the insurance company, the victim must immediately collect a package of documents with him so as not to go twice. If you have drawn up a so-called European protocol with the culprit of the incident (which is filled out without calling the police), then take it. A if the police came, you will need a certificate of the accident plus a protocol .

Other documents for visiting the insurer's office:

  • technical passport of the victim’s car;
  • his driver's license;
  • his general passport;
  • bank details to which he would like to transfer the insurance compensation.

You don't have to provide details if you want to receive a refund in cash. . However, to receive payment you have to come to the accounting department during business hours, which is not convenient for everyone.

The insurance company cannot refuse to pay money because the person at fault for the accident does not admit that he is at fault.

This is not a necessary condition for receiving payment. The company's task is to determine who is at fault.

What to do if no one or both drivers are guilty? For example, this happens if the cause of the incident was icing of the road, its poor condition, lack of necessary signs, or any other reasons beyond the control of road users. In this case, both receive compensation.

If both are at fault for the accident, then there are two options: either they will receive partial compensation or they will not be given it at all. In the latter case, you will have to repair the vehicle at your own expense.

If there are complaints about the objectivity of the insurer, where should I go?

To court. But this must be done with a qualified defense attorney, because without him the chance of winning the case is very small. Also, sometimes an application to the Russian Union of Auto Insurers gives results.

Also, payments cannot be denied if both sides of the accident notice are filled out in the same handwriting.

The first side is filled out by both drivers and signed by them. However, there is no legal requirement that they fill alternately. It makes sense that one person does this, after which both sign. In general, you need to be prepared for the fact that the insurer will try to avoid paying . This doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

The next thing you need to be prepared for: choosing a form of receiving compensation.

What types of it exist:

  • money;
  • repairs at the expense of the insurance company.

The insurance company has contracts with a number of companies that repair cars ; They will send yours to one of them. This option was introduced as consumers complained about low refund amounts that prevented necessary repairs from being made.

Many large companies, such as Alfastrakhovanie and others, try to convince the applicant that it is better to return the car for repair. For most of them, this is beneficial, since contracts concluded with repair companies give them good discounts due to the large volume of work.

However, not all car enthusiasts find this convenient. Some people prefer to trust their car only to trusted professionals; someone does it themselves. And many car enthusiasts do not touch a number of minor damages at all (for example, minor scratches).

How to get insurance under MTPL if you just need money? Insist on this option without agreeing to the insurance company's offer. You have the right to this choice. The funds must be transferred to you within 30 days.

Protecting the interests of the victim through the court

The issue is resolved through the court if, in addition to the car, other property is damaged , there are injuries or deaths, the person responsible for the accident does not have insurance. Here, as before going to the insurance company, you need collect documentary evidence of the damage suffered .

  • If property is damaged, it is necessary to find documents confirming its possession (checks, certificates) and an expert assessment of the condition of the thing.
  • If the breadwinner of the family dies- information is needed about the composition of the family, its financial situation.
  • If you require treatment as a result of an accident, we need checks to pay for doctors’ services and medications.

Litigation becomes almost inevitable if the person who caused the accident does not have insurance.

In this case, you first need to write to the RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers), and, if this does not help, file a lawsuit. This procedure is longer and more time-consuming. But, if there is evidence of the guilt of the other party, the court will most likely make a decision in your favor.

Pre-trial agreements are more beneficial for both parties . It is worth trying to convey this to the culprit of the incident. And, only if reasonable arguments do not convince him, file a claim.