How to cook red rice email. How to cook red rice? How to cook red rice for a side dish

Red rice - 1 cup
Water - 2.5 cups
Butter or vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
Salt - to taste

1. Inspect and, if necessary, sort through 1 cup of red rice, removing any husks and stones.

2. Rinse the selected rice thoroughly under running water until the water becomes clear.

3. Pour the rice into a saucepan with a thick bottom.
4. Pour 2.5 glasses of water over the rice - cold or hot, it does not matter to the result, so use what is handy.

5. Add salt to taste.
6. Turn on the gas to high heat and wait for the water to boil.
7. After the water boils, reduce the heat to low and cook the rice for 35 minutes, covered. Keep in mind that red rice produces a lot of foam even on low heat, so periodically check to see if the water is escaping.
8. Remove the foam that has formed on the water with a spoon.
9. After 35 minutes, check the rice for softness. If it is not soft enough, leave it on low heat under the lid for another 10 minutes, while all the water should be absorbed into the grains.

10. Add 1 tablespoon of vegetable or butter to the finished hot rice, mix and serve as a side dish or a separate dish.

It is becoming increasingly popular: after all, it is not only healthy, but also, having a color that is pleasing to the eye, looks great on a plate. In order to preserve both the benefits and the color of the grain, you should follow a few simple rules. How to cook red rice?

Preparing the rice

  1. Rice should be thoroughly rinsed with cold water (until the water is clear) and drained in a colander.
  2. If you want the rice to retain its shape and not have tears in the bran membrane, soak it in clean cold water for half an hour. This will allow the bran shell and grain to evenly absorb moisture and maintain its integrity during cooking.

Methods for cooking red rice

As with other varieties of rice, you can use several methods to cook rice:

    firstly, complete absorption of water,

    secondly, cooking in a large amount of liquid.

When choosing a cooking method, keep in mind that if you cook in a large amount of water, the rice turns out more crumbly and beautiful.

When cooking using the total absorption method, carefully measure the ratio of water to rice, it should be two (water) to one (rice) and cook the rice with a lid on the pan.

When cooking red rice in a large amount of liquid, the ratio is not respected, and 4-6 times more water is taken than rice. The presence or absence of a lid does not matter so much.

Cooking time for Ruby red rice is 30 minutes after boiling. Cook the rice over low heat and try not to let the water boil too much. This also affects the final appearance of the finished product.

If you cooked rice in a large amount of water, drain the rice in a colander and rinse with cool boiled water.

Why is rice red?

Don't be alarmed by the color of the water when cooking red rice. The fact is that the red color of the bran shell of rice is given by special substances - anthocyanins. These are natural antioxidants, which in their chemical essence are water-soluble substances and, accordingly, when rice is cooked, they easily pass into water and color it. The same processes occur, for example, when cooking beets.

Very often, red and wild rice turns out to be completely imperfect, as we would like. Our tips and recommendations will tell you how to cook red rice and wild rice. Those who are going to cook this kind of rice for the first time should not be afraid. Due to the fact that its shell is preserved, the rice does not boil or stick together. Red rice is dense in texture. All you need to do is follow the recommended instructions.

How to cook red rice: cooking instructions

Before telling you how to cook red rice, I would like to say a few words about its benefits for the human body.

Red rice is one of the healthiest varieties of rice. Since this type of rice does not have the shell removed, it contains the same vitamins, fiber and nutrients to a greater extent.

Due to the same shell, rice is more easily absorbed by the body and is also an excellent choice for those who care about their figure. This rice contains very little starch, but at the same time it saturates the body well.

Now about the preparation itself:

  1. First you need to sort through the rice. Since it is not polished, it may contain various pebbles, soil, and damaged grains of rice. We delete all this.
  2. Next, rinse the sorted rice with water. For one glass of rice there are two to three glasses of water.
  3. Bring the kettle to a boil. Next, pour the rice into the pan and pour boiling water over it. Cover the rice with water with a layer of about two to three fingers above its surface.
  4. The rice is cooked for twenty to thirty minutes. First on high heat and then on low. Until fully cooked.
  5. The finished rice should sit for about ten minutes. Then it is recommended to add olive oil and stir. Goes great with mushrooms, dried fruits, vegetables, fish, poultry and even milk.

Today you can buy wild rice in any supermarket. But not everyone knows how to cook wild rice so that it turns out healthy and tasty. So, let's move on to cooking. We bring to your attention one of the simplest cooking methods.

  1. First, add cold water to wild rice and leave overnight.
  2. Then in the morning we put it in boiling water in the following proportion: for one glass of rice there are approximately three glasses of water.
  3. Place the pan with rice on medium heat and cook for forty minutes over medium heat. As the dish cooks, the rice will increase in volume.

If you don’t have time to soak the rice, you can do the following: pour boiling water over the rice grains. Here the proportion is similar: for one glass of rice there are three glasses of boiling water. Pour in the rice and leave for one hour. And then we proceed according to the above recipe.

Wild rice is considered a favorite dish of vegetarians and people who fast. Most often, this rice is used as a side dish. But it can also be the main dish.

You will be pleasantly surprised by the taste of wild rice - exotic with a slightly sweetish aftertaste. The aroma of the dish is spicy and nutty, which adds flavor and piquancy to the dish.

And cooking rice is quite quick and easy. If desired, serve your rice with any vegetables, salads or hot dishes.

On the shelves of large stores you can find not only white, but also black, brown, and even red rice. Today we are talking about the latter. How to cook red rice, how it differs from the rest, and what dishes can be prepared from it.

Such different rice

Each type of rice has its own characteristics. Regular white rice is the most common. Polished and translucent, it cooks in literally twenty minutes. But the vitamin content in it is less than in other varieties.

Black rice is a record holder for the content of nutrients and microelements, but its cooking takes 40-50 minutes. The grains are very hard, so they need to be soaked for several hours before cooking.

Brown or brown rice is a favorite for those losing weight. Removes harmful substances from the body and is no less useful than black. Prepares in about 25 minutes.

The red rice we are interested in is called the most satisfying. The energy value of 100 grams of this product is 350-410 kcal. Its color can be shades of red, purple or maroon. True, only the shell is multi-colored, but inside it is still, as a rule, white.

How to cook “red side dish” on the stove

Let's look at how to properly cook red rice, taking into account its characteristics. It is great for a side dish, as it remains crumbly after cooking. Pairs well with vegetables, mushrooms, chicken, fish, and dried fruits. It is possible with meat, but the satiety of such a dish will be “off scale”.

  • So, put a pan of water on the fire and add salt. While it is boiling, sort and rinse the rice.
  • Pour the cereal into boiling water and simmer over low heat for 40-50 minutes. Add butter or vegetable oil to the finished product.

To reduce cooking time, you can pre-soak the cereal in water, but then the nutrient content will decrease.

Other cooking methods

Now we’ll tell you how to cook red rice in a slow cooker and microwave.

Pour the washed rice into the multicooker bowl, fill it with water, add salt and oil. For 1 glass of product, take 2-2.5 glasses of liquid. Set the “Rice” or “Pilaf” mode. At the end of the mode, it is advisable to leave the cereal in the multicooker for another 10 minutes in the heating mode.

If you cook in the microwave, then you need to do this: place the cereal in a fireproof bowl, pour in water, add salt and, if desired, oil. Set the power to maximum and put the cereal in the oven for 5 minutes. Then remove, stir, close the lid and return to the microwave for 15 minutes. Once done, let the bowl of rice sit in the oven for a few more minutes.

Flavorful side dish

How to cook red rice if you need to get a non-trivial but easy-to-prepare side dish? Use spices!

You will need a saucepan, a couple of cloves of garlic, an onion, a tablespoon of tomato paste (or grated tomatoes) and two teaspoons of Herbes de Provence seasoning.

Cut the onion and garlic into small pieces and fry for 3 minutes in olive or other vegetable oil in a saucepan. Add tomato paste and fry for another two minutes, stirring occasionally.

Pour in water or chicken broth, add salt and bring to a boil. Pour in the washed rice and seasoning, cover with a lid, set the heat to low and wait for 40 minutes. When ready, do not rush to serve - let the rice “cook” a little.

Simple curd and rice dessert

Prepare a quarter cup of red rice and half a cup of white rice, 200 grams of 9% fat cottage cheese, two teaspoons of cranberries and a few slices of kiwi.

  • Boil both rice in one bowl until tender. It's okay if the red turns out thicker.
  • Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, add sugar to taste, a little salt and cinnamon (if you like). Mix it with cranberries and rice.
  • Pour the mixture into molds and garnish each with a slice of kiwi. If desired, sprinkle coconut flakes for beauty.
  • Place the molds in a preheated oven for half an hour.

Hearty soup

Ingredients: 100 grams of red rice, a glass of tomato juice, 3 potatoes, 1 onion, 300 grams of champignons, sour cream, vegetable oil, parsley and dill, salt and pepper.

  • Boil the rice. You can leave it a little firm.
  • Place a pot of water on the stove. While it is boiling, peel and cut the potatoes into cubes and add them along with the rice to the boiling water.
  • Chop the champignons and onions. Fry them together in a frying pan and then add them to the soup. Add some salt.
  • Now pour in tomato juice and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Add herbs, pepper and, if desired, bay leaf. Turn off the heat and let the soup simmer for a while, covered.

Serve with sour cream and herbs.

A little about the varieties and cooking time

The above is an approximate duration cooking How long to cook red rice - depends on the variety and whether you soaked it before cooking or not. You may also find that your red rice isn't quite as red, but this is also due to differences between varieties.

  • For example, Bhutanese red rice takes 45 minutes without pre-soaking and 25 minutes with soaking. The finished dish has a pale pink color.
  • Before cooking the brightly flavored Hom Daeng red rice, it is best to soak it overnight. Then cooking will take 10-15 minutes. Without pre-processing, this will take about 40 minutes.
  • Fergana devzira rice has a white core and a dark pink shell, and is cooked in 30 minutes after soaking for three hours. This variety has several subspecies, and it is recommended to soak all of them for 2-5 hours, then the cooking time will range from 25-35 minutes.
  • The dastar-saryk subspecies when cooked has an amber color, and when cooked it increases seven times. Chungara turns out completely white.
  • “Rubin” is produced in Russia - the first Russian large-grain variety grown on an industrial scale. How to cook Ruby red rice is written on its packaging: the manufacturer recommends doing this for 30-40 minutes over low heat and with the lid closed, and adding salt and oil after cooking.

Benefits and disadvantages of red rice

Red rice has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, helping to prolong its youth. Fights bad cholesterol. It satisfies hunger well and is easily absorbed by the body. Is a powerful antioxidant. Contains calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, vitamins E and B (B 1, B 2, B 6, B 3). Due to the absence of gluten (vegetable protein), even children and allergy sufferers can eat red rice.

As for the disadvantages, as already said, it is a very nutritious thing, so people who are losing weight should be moderate when consuming it. However, you still can’t eat too much of it.

Diabetics should note that red rice can cause a spike in blood sugar levels.

Finally, arsenic is often used as a pesticide during cultivation, so when purchasing, you need to make sure that the cereal has passed toxicological control in Russia.

So we figured out how to cook red rice. Bon appetit!